Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good Stuff

So life's tough right now. My health is acting up while I'm supposed to be juggling an internship and an independent study. I'm living at home, and my mother at least partially blames me for my health problems. And if I can't handle an internship, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to find a job when I graduate in a year and move out of my parents house.

So, it's time to focus on the good stuff:

*I have fabulous friends
*I have a wonderful girlfriend. She's in a different state right now, but I do get to see her every week or two and talk to her almost every day.
*In a month and a half, I'm going to study abroad.


  1. Lovely good stuff! I hope you can enjoy them to the full!

  2. Oh gosh, that sounds like a tough situation. Dealing with all these pain issues is enough without the stress of parental blame.

    where will you be going for your study abroad experience?

  3. Keep strong Baby!

  4. Thanks y'all :)
    Migrainista: I'm going to France!
